Riding against the grain. This post marks something of a breakthrough: it brings this blog properly up-to-date for the first time in about nine months of travel. Instead of reporting…
Almost smack bang in the geographic centre of Mexico sits the city of Guanajuato, nestled among canyons of the central highlands. Founded by the Spanish in 1559 due to extensive…
Prior to seeing Mexico City for myself stereotypes I held surrounding this megalopolis (perhaps like many people) were formed by scenes from the films like Los Olvidados, Baraka and Amores…
The 1200 km drive we made from Merida to Oaxaca took us across a cross section of Mexico's geography: from the pancake-flat Yucatan peninsula into the swamplands of the Gulf…
After 8 months of road tripping our bank balance was startling to look depressing so the opportunity to design and produce Cactus Equipment's 2010 catalogue was a chance to work…
I don't recall the first time I heard about the enigmatic culture of the Maya, whose language was only recently deciphered, but I've always wanted to learn more about them…
The true test for our rebuilt transmisson (see previous post) came as we made the 1600 metre climb from the city of Tuxtla Gutierrez into the highlands surrounding San Cristobal…
How to get your transmission fixed in one of the poorest states in Mexico ... Get the flash player here: http://www.adobe.com/flashplayer When you buy a 1981 Dodge, and drive from…
Thanks for visiting the blog of Mark Watson & Highlux Photography. Here, you can find the full account of our Alaska to Patagonia (2016–2020, 2022–2023) bikepacking journey, as well as our New Zealand adventures.